Žan Mlinarič

✉️ zan@theother.si  

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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Character Synthesis

Žan is from Celje and graduated in Graphic and Interactive Communications in Ljubljana. Right after enrolling in college, he knew that design was his calling, and he has been perfecting his craft for many years. He is distinguished by his precision and sense of all the elements that make up graphic materials.


Although he does not like to stand out, Žan is the only member of the OTHER team who is part of a band. He plays the drums, which makes us all very proud. In the office, he is the voice of reason, knowing when to stand his ground and when to just listen in a team full of women. Project managers particularly trust him with implementation design and website design, where logical structure and precision are required.

Do You Feel It?

My ideal office is located on a sandy beach by the sea. It is very spacious and bright, with large windows and a view of the kite surfers who are waiting for me to finish work and join them.

Did You Know?

AI can create music that is practically indistinguishable from that made by humans. AI systems like OpenAI's Jukebox can analyze vast amounts of musical data, learn from patterns in that data, and then generate new songs in various musical styles, even mimicking the voices of famous singers. This opens up new possibilities for music creators and could influence how we perceive art and creativity in the future.
