
Show Your Teeth, Share a Smile

The proverb says that laughter is the best medicine and a smile is the best makeup. We recognize that many people around the world hide their smiles due to discomfort or anxiety related to the appearance of their teeth. According to the National Smile Month Survey (Atomic Research, 2019), as many as 51% do so. Therefore, with Philips Sonicare, we tackled the issue head-on with an innovative campaign designed as a long-term project focusing on oral hygiene and its connection to mental health. Two types of activations – online and offline – within the campaign demonstrate that we can innovatively and effectively address real consumer issues like confidence in their smiles, while simultaneously enhancing brand engagement.

Philips Slovenia
Creative and design
Shopper marketing
Social media
Photo and video production
Valerija Oblak
Tina Mentol
Anja Grabar
Žan Mlinarič
Year 2024

Show Your Teeth on Instagram!

With a very direct and provocative slogan, SHOW YOUR TEETH, we embarked on a special mission: to encourage people to smile proudly and emphasize the importance of good oral hygiene. We conducted a successful giveaway on the popular social network Instagram, indirectly promoting interaction with the brand. The communication of the giveaway was carried out through digital ads on Instagram and Facebook.

Offline Promotion

With a bit of nostalgia for the red, pink, or purple tablets used in primary school to check dental cleanliness and with the thought of additional support for Oral Hygiene Month, we launched a direct campaign in March and revived these "miracle" tablets. In Ljubljana's BTC City, we informed random passersby with informational leaflets that included a dental cleanliness check tablet. Each leaflet also contained a promotional code for purchasing a Philips Sonicare toothbrush and an invitation to participate in the Instagram giveaway. In dental centers and Big Bang stores, we set up special countertop displays shaped like cute teeth, where visitors could receive promotional leaflets with information about good oral hygiene. This approach not only raised greater awareness of oral hygiene but also significantly increased loyalty and favorability towards the Philips brand. We concluded the campaign with a video in which we challenged passersby to show the cleanliness of their teeth, and in return, they received a Philips Sonicare sonic toothbrush. This further reinforced our campaign's message and increased its visibility.


The Instagram giveaway received excellent feedback. Nearly 500 participants publicly shared their answer to the question of whom they most like to show their teeth to. Additionally, with the help of the tablets, we conducted over 4,000 dental cleanliness checks.