Halloween at Bled Castle
Cultural institutions are increasingly facing the challenge of attracting younger visitors who spend most of their time in a digital environment and seek interactive experiences. Vanessa Cesário's research on interactive experiences for teenagers in museums shows that young people, especially teenagers and young adults, often perceive traditional cultural institutions as outdated or irrelevant to their lifestyle, which leads to less frequent visits to historical landmarks (source: research on interactive experiences for teenagers in museums in collaboration with Portuguese museums). Bled Castle responded to this issue with a holistic campaign that combines historical heritage with modern trends, offering exciting, interactive content, which has contributed to a strong response from younger generations.

Client |
ZK Bled
Service |
Digital advertising
Creative and design
Social media
Communication strategy
Team |
Diana Gajić
Anja Grabar
Amelija Umek
Alenka Mivšek
Year | 2024 |
Holistic Approach to Attracting Visitors
The advertising campaign was strategically designed on two levels, allowing for a broader reach of the target audience. Online advertising focused on social media, where visually appealing and thematically rich content was developed to encourage interaction and engagement. The offline strategy included promotion through printed materials (billboards, etc.), targeted at key touchpoints, capturing potential visitors in physical spaces and thus increasing the event's visibility.

Dinamična interakcija in angažiranje mlade publike
Da bi se približali mlajši generaciji, smo izkoristili nov način oglaševanja na TikToku, ki se osredotoča na pristne interakcije. Namesto klasičnih kreativnih vizualov smo vključili resnične ljudi—vlogerje in influencerje—in jih umestili v kratke video napovednike, s čimer smo ustvarili bolj avtentičen stil. Tako smo povečali engagement in nenazadnje tudi prisotnost na dogodku.
